100% of the electricity used at Kapok is clean energy produced by solar panels. It is important to take care of it because it is limited. Please do not use high consumption devices such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, irons, or any resistance device.
If possible, charge your devices during the day.
Remember to turn off the lights and fan before leaving your cabin.
Our mission is to produce as little waste as possible. That is why we avoid all kinds of disposable products, to help us, we ask you to refrain from bringing them. If you do, we kindly ask you to take them back with you.
Our commitment is to have the least possible impact on the natural space we inhabit.
If you have organic vegetable waste, you can leave it in our kitchen and we will take care of processing it in the compost.
Our water comes from a well. We have to use our limited energy to fill our tanks. It is important to be mindful of its consumption, because it is limited.
At Kapok all waters are treated and we return it to the environment cleaner than we received it. We have a water treatment system that also produces food. Please do not throw paper or any other inorganic waste down the drain to avoid clogging the pipes.
The Bacalar lagoon is a very sensitive ecosystem. Please, if you want to use sunscreen and repellent, just use the one we provide and wait at least 40 minutes before entering the lagoon. Our products are organic, of the best quality, made locally and created with biodegradable products.
To preserve water and energy, we will change the towels every third day. If for any reason you want to change them sooner, please let us know.
Kapok will provide its own music, if you want to listen to yours, please use headphones. We want to respect the silence of others. We ask you to be mindful of any noise made in your room.
We are in the jungle and we must respect and protect the original animals of these lands. At Kapok we are aware that we are the visitors. For this reason, we don’t fumigate with chemicals. Instead, we grow plants that act as natural repellents and use the smoke from fires to control mosquitoes. Keep your cabin closed at all times and if possible, do not keep food in your cabin to avoid attracting insects.
In this jungle, there are a variety of animals such as foxes, monkeys, skunks, ocelots, badgers, snakes and many types of birds.
In the unlikely event that you do come across a snake, simply walk away and leave it alone. Walk only on the granzón paths, especially at night. In the rare case of finding an animal that you think may be a safety hazard, stay calm and call one of our staff.
Avoid entering the lagoon at night. We are in the jungle, it is a mangrove area that is the natural habitat of crocodiles and although until now we have not had a sighting in the area, it is important to take it into account.
Please do not smoke in the cabins.
Quiet hours from 10 pm to 9 am.
One of the oldest life forms on the planet. They were the first living beings to form reefs. They are very important in the ecosystem as they release oxygen into the atmosphere and keep the lagoon healthy. Some of them, the largest, are thousands of years old. There are few places in the world where they can be seen and the Bacalar lagoon is one of them.
Please stay away from them and don’t touch them, if they get damaged they will take thousands of years to recover.
This is one of the species responsible for maintaining the colors of the lagoon. They are responsible for cleaning the entire shore of the lagoon of organic matter and preventing algae from growing, thus maintaining the transparency of the water. It is a protected species, please do not remove the snails from the lagoon. During the breeding season, the snails lay their eggs on trees and wood that are in contact with water. Please do not touch them, they are very fragile.